Normal is known as Gauss distribution, too. Standard normal distribution is obtained when mean is 0 and variance is 1 in a data set. If we draw a line graph for mean of our data, we can see that line is higher in midde point of graph and line height decreases to left and right sides. Image of this blog writing is graph sample which is described in before sentence.
Normal distribution is an analysis, which is applied before doing some analysis and helps to decide right analysis for our data. For example, Independent Samples t Test or Mann Whitney U test is used to compare two independent group means. If our data are distributed as normally, we apply Independent Samples T test. Especially, paying attention to whether normal distribution test is applied or not if an article publishes in international journals. Nowadays, doing normal distribution test is wanted in Turkey. Especially, doing normal distribution test should be cared in thesis studies.
Normal distribution test is applied by using SPSS program frequently. One-sample Kolmogorov Smirnov test and Shapiro Wilk tests are applied tests to determine normal distribution. Data set are not normally distributed if results of these test is smaller than 0,05. Data set are normally distributed if results of these test is bigger than 0,05. Kurtosis and skewness values are used to determine normal distribution, too. There are some references if these values between -0,8 and +0,8, normal distribution is obtained. Some references said that normal distribution is obtained when these values between -2 and +2 or -3 and +3. If you need normal distribution tests, you can contact us.
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SPSS means “Statistical Package for the Social Sciences”. The program was released by SPSS Inc at 1968...